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Return Policy

Return Policy
Returns & Exchanges
We're bummed if you're not 100% satisfied with the items you received
1. Please contact Customer Service on our site, indicating the item(s) you would like to return and the reason.
2. After receiving return instructions from us, please package up the item(s) to be returned with the original packing.
3. Drop off your package at the local post office.
4. Most returns are processed within 5 business days after we receive your package.
Return Conditions
If you need a refund, please contact us.
1.We can refund you the total value, if the order is canceled in 24 hours. But this policy is not suitable for the expedited order.
2. We believe our products have the best quality and most favorable price. But if the order is canceled over 24 hours, 50% of the total value will be charged for the costs of material and labor. As this is a customized goods, we cannot sell it out again.
3.if breakage happened, please report in 24 hours after you received the package, otherwise, we also cannot recreate for free.
4. We do not offer Freight To Collect (FTC) service for the packages returned to us. The returns will be made at your own cost.
5. Please be sure to double-check your returns before shipping them out. We are not responsible for the return of products .
Note: The original shipping fee and Shipping Guarantee are non-refundable.
Return Address
Please contact our Customer Service if you wish to return any items to the nearest return address. You will receive a response as soon as possible.
Note: Please do not send your return to the address on your package. That is not our return address and will affect the processing of your return.